9 March 2022

Report of the Director of Governance

Progress against the Action Plan prepared in response to the Public Interest Report



To provide an update on the progress being made with regards to delivery of the Action Plan prepared in response to the Report in the Public Interest dated 19th April 2021.


The Council is required to address the recommendations set out in the Report in the Public Interest dated 19th April 2021, and accepted by Full Council on 4th May 2021.  An Action Plan was also approved by Full Council and Audit & Governance Committee has been asked to oversee the delivery of the Action Plan.

Work to address the various aspects of the Action Plan continues.

The Council’s Constitution

The revised draft constitution was published in January 2022, in readiness for consideration by the Audit & Governance Committee on 2nd February 2022.  At its meeting, the Audit & Governance Committee recommended the revised draft constitution be considered by Full Council on 24th March 2022.  As part of its consideration, Full Council will be asked to determine the outstanding issues so that the drafting of the constitution can be finalised.  These issues include the role of Executive Members at Planning Committees, clarity around the appointment of substitutes and points relating to the council’s delivery of its overview and scrutiny function.  Revising the constitution is a supporting theme across the Action Plan.

Once finalised, training plans will be scoped and developed to support the implementation of the revised constitution. 


Financial – None directly arising from this report.  The Council is a member of the LGA and therefore the support from the LGA is at nil cost.

Human Resources (HR) – None directly arising from this report.

Equalities – None directly arising from this report.

Legal – As detailed within this report, the Council has received and accepted the Report in the Public Interest dated 19th April 2021, and therefore is required to undertake necessary steps to address the highlighted recommendations.  The various individual steps required in addressing these recommendations may in themselves require legal advice.   

Crime and Disorder, Information Technology and Property - None directly arising from this report.


To receive an update on the progress being made with regards to delivery of the Action Plan prepared in response to the Report in the Public Interest dated 19th April 2021.

Reasons for the Recommendation

The Audit & Governance Committee is required by Full Council to monitor the delivery of the Action Plan prepared in response to the Public Interest Report.


There are no other options for the Committee to consider on this occasion.



Author &  Chief Officer responsible for the report:


 Janie Berry, Director of Governance & Monitoring Officer



Report Approved



22nd February   2022





Specialist Implications Officer(s): 

Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer and Section 151


Wards Affected:  List wards or tick box to indicate all




For further information please contact the author of the report

Background Papers:

·        Agenda, Reports and Minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Full Council dated 4th May 2021

·        Agenda, Reports and Minutes of the Audit & Governance Committee

·        Agenda and Reports of the Joint Standards Committee on 24th January 2022

·        Agenda and Reports and the revised draft Constitution (published early) for the Audit & Governance Committee on 2nd February 2022